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International workshops and seminars for therapists


International online conference “Lost in Therapy – Logos and pathos in therapeutic processes”

Nov 29th, 30th and December 1st
Language: English, with translation in Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian
(I take part as a panel member)

More info: Conference “Lost in Therapy – Logos and pathos in therapeutic processes”

Online training Field Oriented Psychotherapy and Psychopathology

Terapiados – Valencia (Es)
Oct 4 2024 – June 27 2025
11 seminars – 16.00-19.30
Language: Spanish (with translation from English)
Trainers: Jeffrey Varela, David Pico, Helena Kallner, Ricardo Andrés García, Miek van Dongen

More info: Terapiados – Online training Field Oriented Psychotherapy and Psychopathology


Intimately alien – uncanny atmospheres in field oriented psychotherapy

3-day workshop
June 28 – 30, 2024
Center for Integrative Gestalt Therapy (IGW)  Zagreb, Croatia

Our sense of self is grounded in how we feel at home in the world, with ourselves, and in our bodies. This feeling of being at home is usually taken for granted. But upon closer look, we can discover there is an alienness to ourselves. There is an unfamiliarity within the familiar. This is a disruptive experience. It can be encountered in subtle ways through the uncomfortable atmospheres we often find ourselves in. Also in devastating ways, as a result of (intergenerational) trauma, loss, and personal, social and environmental transitions. It is brought to us by our clients in the shape of existential and sometimes severe psychopathological suffering.

In this workshop we explore how to work with our attunement to atmospheres – especially those involving a disrupted ground. We will learn when, and how, to attend to the background of experience, instead of focusing too much on what’s in the foreground. We will see how the most uncomfortable experiences in psychotherapy can bring great fear, but also existential beauty and wonder.

More info: Centar IGW Zagreb

Seminar “Forbidden feelings in the therapeutic relationship”

1 december 2023
Organization: Chamber of Ethics of the Dutch Flemish Association for Gestalt Therapy (NVAGT)

International Conference: Beyond Trauma – Has Clinical Practice been Reduced to “Psycho-Traumatology”?
17,18 en 19 November 2023

International online conference

More info: Beyond Trauma – Has Clinical Practice been Reduced to “Psycho-Traumatology”?

Das Unheimliche: the uncanny experience of the alien within the familiar

Workshop as part of:
International Gestalt Therapy Conference Madrid, Spain
21-24 September 2023
More info:  Conference program